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Voice,Video & Channel Links How-To


Generate and distribute a call link effortlessly. 

  1. Navigate to the calls tab on your WhatsApp Mobile App / Web App
  2. Click on Create Call Link.
  3. Choose Voice: Copy the link and paste it in the Voice Call tab on the YOU dashboard
  4. Choose Video: Copy the link and paste it in the Video Call tab on the YOU dashboard
  5. The YOU links will be generated, go ahead and share that anywhere you feel fit.

Important Information:
- Exercise caution while sharing your call link, as anyone with access can join the call. Share it only with trusted individuals.
- Blocked users cannot utilize your call link.
- Links expire after 30 days of inactivity.
- WhatsApp reserves the right to revoke links for privacy and security reasons.

Removing or Blocking Call Participants:
The creator of a call link has the authority to remove or block participants. To remove a call participant:
1. In an ongoing call, long-press the participant's name or phone number.
2. Tap or click on "Remove [call participant name] or [phone number]."
3. Choose between "Remove" or "Remove and block."

Channel Sharing Links:

To get to your channel info page:
  1. Open Channels by clicking the Channels icon.
  2. Click your channel, and then your channel name.
  3. Click Copy link.
  4. Paste it in your settings on the YOU dashboard and you're ready with a swanky link!

- Removed participants will receive a notification stating, "You have been removed from the call by [name or phone]."
- If a removed or blocked contact attempts to rejoin, they will see "Unable to connect" and won't be able to re-enter the call.

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