Generate and distribute a call link effortlessly.
Important Information:
- Exercise caution while sharing your call link, as anyone with access can join the call. Share it only with trusted individuals.
- Blocked users cannot utilize your call link.
- Links expire after 30 days of inactivity.
- WhatsApp reserves the right to revoke links for privacy and security reasons.
Removing or Blocking Call Participants:
The creator of a call link has the authority to remove or block participants. To remove a call participant:
1. In an ongoing call, long-press the participant's name or phone number.
2. Tap or click on "Remove [call participant name] or [phone number]."
3. Choose between "Remove" or "Remove and block."
Channel Sharing Links:
- Removed participants will receive a notification stating, "You have been removed from the call by [name or phone]."
- If a removed or blocked contact attempts to rejoin, they will see "Unable to connect" and won't be able to re-enter the call.